Blog tagged as Lifestyle

AI's Galloping Evolution And The Adaptation Challenge
Can you have Voice Acting without human interaction?
May 14, 2024 09:25 AM - Comment(s)
Cough Drop Day?
What happens when you speak for a living? Is there a best practice for a sore throat?
May 13, 2024 01:03 PM - Comment(s)
On Words For Fun
One of the reasons I genuinely enjoy almost everything I read from clients in my voice acting career, is because I love to read. I love to learn. Today, I thought I’d share some of the literary bounty. I hope you find your next read!
April 23, 2024 09:09 AM - Comment(s)
Expertise in Voice Acting
Where does experience converge with credentials in voice acting? Expertise, of course!
August 15, 2023 08:30 AM - Comment(s)
A Day In The Life
What REALLY happens before the voice you hear comes through the speakers? Ever wondered what happens when you reach out? Here's the scoop!
April 20, 2023 08:30 AM - Comment(s)
Take Off & Leave It All Behind
What happens if you walk away for a bit? Would you be able to appreciate the time and do something you've always dreamed of? I did. Here's what happened.
April 13, 2023 08:30 AM - Comment(s)